Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lately I've been...

...decorating gingerbread houses. ...climbing giant letters at Disneyland.
...washing the car -- Mom actually let me wear my swimsuit in December! It doesn't get much better than this.

...singing some Ariel songs.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Lucy's Choice

Lucy picked what pictures we posted today. She also helped me write the picture descriptions. Now that it's just her and I for a portion of the day with Sam at school and Ben napping (something she's rarely had in her 3 years of life), it's nice for both of us to have some solid girl time.
This is Mommy and Daddy and Benny. We saw Mt. Rainier. I felt cold. Grandma is so fun to play with. She needs to come over and go to the park with us. I love to play on her back.

Baby Kate played on her belly. I like to play with her. I hold her. I make a funny face and she smiles at me.
I love Ariel. I play with her. And I love my blankets.

I'm closing my eyes on the swing with Grandma (very risky, I know, but she's a wild one!). I liked it and I not scared.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


I had a moment when I found myself being like my mom kind of. It's a good thing. And it happens more and more. But my friend was over and we were watching the kids play when my friend turned to me and said "Why do you call her 'Goose?'" I said "Because she's Lucy" and then I realized that didn't really explain anything unless you were in my head. So I said "I mean, Lucy Goosey rhymes so we just shorten it and call her goose." My mom always calls me Shell because my middle name is Michelle and it's the shortened version of my nickname "Shelly Bell." Funny how those things get started and stick (sorry Bubba).
Goose decided to start talking about a month ago. She went through a growth spurt that took all of her energy and would go for days without hardly saying a work to us--just baby talk and whiny words. I was this close to going gluten free with the whole family (to see if that would effect her for the better) when she pulled out of it on her own. She started jabbering and hasn't really stopped. Today she saw me in the kitchen while she was playing with Dad and Sam. She said "Oh, Mom. There you are. Come here and see Dad now." She led me by the hand to the living room for the party. And recently she'll pop out the question "Mom, are you happy?" And I usually say yes, but once I said "No, because you're not going to sleep." She laid down and feigned sleep. She wants to please. I don't want her to feel like she has to, so I won't abuse that one, but it's sweet to hear my child's concern for her mother. I know none of this sounds spectacular, but for a girl who couldn't seem to put three words together, it's a relief and a bit of a shock whenever she puts more than a sentence together.
Her imagination has blossomed like her vocabulary. She has a tendency to get scared easier than the boys. She doesn't like to be outside alone in case a crow lands in the yard (all birds are crows, and I guess they're all dangerous to her!). The other day she almost went into the backyard alone, but as she opened the door she saw something and slammed it shut and gasped. "There's a monkey in the yard!" She adamantly declared she had seen and could see a monkey swinging in our tree. She tried to point it out to us and I think she even spooked Sam, who refused my suggestion to go monkey-hunting with her. A few hours later she peeked in the backyard and said "Oh, the monkey's all gone now," and stepped outside to play.

Another day we had suited up for a dip in the hot (cold) tub in the backyard. Lucy suddenly looked up and said "Alligator!" I was worried after her monkey sighting that we would have to back inside. But it turns out the cloud looked just like an alligator. She had seen it right off. Sam said, no, it's a jet shooting out in the air. But Lucy knew what it was. She stuck to her guns. She wasn't scared, though.

Likes: Painting and coloring, puzzles, tea parties, being a helper, blankies (forever and always her first love!), catching pill bugs, swinging high, swimming and even putting her face in the water, playing with Afton, taking care of babies.

Dislikes: Bananas--she gags if she can see Ben eating his morning banana so I have to block her view with a cereal box. But sometimes she'll get in the mood and eat one, most fruit and vegies, Ben messing up her beds she makes for dolls, being away from Mom in a new place.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Rolly Polly Serial Killer

She looks so innocent. But really she's a killer. She stocks helpless little bugs, collects them in jars, gives them a "drink o' water" and it's all over. Soon they'll be calling her "Lucy Goosey Annette the Monster of Humanity!" Watch out rolly pollys!

But I wouldn't have thought that my little girl, who really is made of sugar and spice and everything nice, would love collecting bugs. Maybe it's a twist on her nurturing nature. On top of finding collections of bugs (outdoors except for once), I also find Tinkerbell and Ariel dollys being cared for and disciplined throughout the day. She gets them packed up for Disneyland, dresses them for church, brushes their teeth and does their hair, and even gives them time-outs (it had been a rough day for all of us!). Last night I found Tinkerbell sleeping up in Sam's bed. She (Lucy) must have snuck up there after he was asleep and put Tink to bed with him. Lucy also likes playing by herself much more than the boys. Today I went to check on her in her room and I knelt down beside her as she rummaged through the play food. She gently patted my knee and said as politely as can be"Mom, you get outta here?" Sometimes a girl just needs some alone time.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ode to Lucy and Afton

They are the Best of Cousins, the Best of Friends.
When they're together, the fun never ends!
They like playing dress-ups in swimsuits and pajamas
And still always listen to their papas and their mamas.
What would we do without this dynamic duo?
Although to eachother we've passed the flu-oh!
Ariel and Tinkerbell are safe in their care.
And they'll even clean the room or cook you some good fare.
I love our sweet little darlings and hope that you
will always live closeby so our friendship will stay true!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Pose pretty for the picture! Smile! OK, now look at me! Now lift your chin up a little. Ok now eyes on me--AAAHHH there's a bird on my head! Wait, now show me your teeth!

Or do that, I guess.

But the pictures my sweet Lucy takes are full of personality.

We had just gotten our new shipment of Barney Butter shirts in kid sizes and the kids took a picture to show them off.

Lucy and Afton have bonded as sisterly cousins. They disappear into the walls when they're together. They play with dolls, pretend to be doctors, and love to dress up. Lucy always talks Afton into joining her with her love affair for Ariel PJ's (we haven't been able to retire her 1T size PJ's yet. She keeps finding them even though she has two others to choose from!). Here you see Afton and Lucy in PJ's having their turn first at the Easter egg hunt. Lucy would pick each egg up, shake it, then throw it in her basket. Afton stopped and ate her candy after a few eggs.

On Lucy's birthday, we did a quick Q&A. Lucy isn't a big talker, you could say, so be patient. She actually does say something by the end of the video. Chris has asked her what her whole name is, in case that part is unclear.